When parents get divorced, they may need to set up a custody arrangement to decide where the child will live. In many cases, shared custody is used, meaning the child lives with one parent for a certain amount of time and then moves to the other house on a set...
3 tactics for resolving co-parenting disputes
Working cooperatively to raise children after the end of a relationship isn't easy even when parents do their best to keep things amicable. Inevitably, parents find themselves disagreeing on something important. Perhaps one parent is more anxious than the other about...
Can you move with your child without telling the other parent?
Relocating with your child without informing the other parent can create legal challenges, especially in Massachusetts. Both parents have rights and responsibilities, and it is crucial to understand the legal implications of such actions. Relocation may affect the...
Tips for co-parents to communicate successfully
Parents who are trying to co-parent successfully need to ensure that they have effective communication about their children. It’s not always easy to handle these situations because of the emotional turmoil that comes with divorce, but finding ways to speak to each...
Who is allowed to pick your child up from school?
Life can get a bit more complicated after a divorce, especially for parents. They often have to share custody of their children. This could include physical custody – where the child lives – and legal custody, which focuses on making decisions – like where the child...
Who is claiming your child on their tax return?
When parents divorce or separate, one of the key financial issues they need to address is who will claim their child or children on their tax return. Claiming a child as a dependent can result in significant tax benefits, including eligibility for the Child Tax...
Tips on handling custody violations by your co-parent
Dealing with a co-parent who consistently violates custody orders can be stressful and emotionally draining. Whether it’s missed pick-ups, last-minute cancellations or outright refusal to follow the agreed-upon schedule, these violations disrupt your time with your...
3 tips for discussing custody with your children
One of the questions your kid(s) will have upon learning about your divorce is where they will live. Before custody decisions are finalized, you can tell them you don't have adequate information yet. But once you have a schedule, you should inform them sooner. Here...
Is 50/50 parenting time a realistic scenario?
Deciding on a parenting time arrangement after a divorce or separation is not usually a straightforward undertaking. One increasingly common arrangement is 50/50 parenting time, where each parent has an equal amount of parenting time with their child. If you and your...
Helping your children settle into 2 homes
More often than not, when parents divorce, one of them ends up moving out. This can be a daunting process, particularly for the children. Children like stability and the transition to living between two homes can be difficult. Nonetheless, children can settle in and...