As previous posts here have discussed, how much income each parent brings in has a lot of bearing on how much child support a Massachusetts court will order each parent to pay. However, a parent might wonder what they can do if the other parent seems to be able to pay...
Separate support cases in Massachusetts
Unlike other states, Massachusetts does not have a way for Springfield couples and other couples in this state to get a "legal separation," in which they would remain legally married but have their property divided and other family law issues resolved as if they were...
Representing parents, relatives in guardianship cases
As previous posts have discussed, there are many situations in which a Springfield, Massachusetts, resident may need to step in and be able to take care of a young relative or other child in their lives. These people will need to have legal authority in order to do...
Guardianship for grandparents is an option in abuse cases
While grandparents in Springfield, Massachusetts probably hope that their children will go on to be successful mothers and fathers who love and care for their own children properly, the reality is that sometimes children just do not learn the lessons of parenting that...
The tax consequences of alimony
When couples in Springfield, Massachusetts either divorce or get a legal separation, one topic that might be an issue is alimony, that is, an ongoing payment from one member of the couple to the other as a form of ongoing financial assistance that, in theory, the...