Every child custody case, no matter where or when it occurs, is decided based on what’s in the best interests of the child. Most states have a fairly specific list of things that family judges are supposed to consider (although there’s often leeway for judges to...
Can you relocate with the kids after divorce in Massachusetts?
Divorce can often provoke a kind of scorched-earth approach in the spouses ending their marriage. They may be ready to burn their whole life down in order to start fresh. That approach can stop you from being overly sentimental when it comes to things like asset...
Reasons to ask for a Massachusetts child support modification
Child support is often a divisive issue in modern Massachusetts divorces. The parent receiving support on behalf of the children probably feels like the amount they get doesn't come anywhere close to covering the costs incurred by the children, while the parent paying...
What the “best interests of the child” means in Massachusetts
Custody and visitation issues are the part of a divorce that every parent dreads. That anxiety you feel can be compounded by not knowing what to expect as you move forward. Here are a few things you should know: You can craft an agreement that will suit both of you If...