Many residents of Massachusetts have considered the possibility of becoming a guardian for a minor child or adopting a minor child. Each set of potential parents has its own expectations and wishes about how this addition to their family will affect them. One of the...
The effect of evidence of abuse on child custody
Most Massachusetts couples who have decided to obtain a divorce wonder how the court will resolve the complex question of physical custody. The court will consider a variety of factors, such as the relative incomes of the parents, the relationship between the parents...
Planning for a special needs child in a divorce settlement
Divorce, even a simple one, can be one of life's most taxing experiences. If a child is involved, the experience can become even more stressful. And if the child has special needs, the experience may seem to tax the emotional resources of both parents beyond their...
Special issues may affect military divorces
Any divorce in Massachusetts can raise important and complicated family law questions, even when the couple is of relatively modest means. Because they are already in a unique situation given their careers, military members and their families have some additional...