Divorce is almost never an easy endeavor, but for those who are nonconfrontational, it can be particularly daunting. As such, a fear of conflict or confrontation may lead some to shy away from asserting their rights or interests during the settlement process. However,...
3 tips for discussing custody with your children
One of the questions your kid(s) will have upon learning about your divorce is where they will live. Before custody decisions are finalized, you can tell them you don't have adequate information yet. But once you have a schedule, you should inform them sooner. Here...
Should alimony reflect a “pattern of savings” during the marriage?
Massachusetts judges have a choice of several types of alimony they can order, depending on the purpose of it. For example, is it to give the lesser-earning spouse a chance to become financially independent or to reimburse them for sacrifices they made for the other...
Is 50/50 parenting time a realistic scenario?
Deciding on a parenting time arrangement after a divorce or separation is not usually a straightforward undertaking. One increasingly common arrangement is 50/50 parenting time, where each parent has an equal amount of parenting time with their child. If you and your...
Helping your children settle into 2 homes
More often than not, when parents divorce, one of them ends up moving out. This can be a daunting process, particularly for the children. Children like stability and the transition to living between two homes can be difficult. Nonetheless, children can settle in and...
How long do alimony obligations last in Massachusetts?
If you were the breadwinner during your marriage, you’ll likely be required to pay spousal support after you divorce, especially if your spouse sacrificed their career to serve as a homemaker or is unable to work due to a disability. Your legal team – and the courts,...
Can your spouse just ignore your divorce filing?
You tell your spouse that you’re thinking about divorce, and they inform you that they are “never” getting divorced. They say they won’t go along with it, and that’s when you know that this isn’t going to be an amicable process. It is going to be contested. You move...
Should you request sole custody?
Child custody arrangements are one of the most emotionally charged decisions parents must make during a divorce. Children want to be with both of their parents and vice versa. However, there are some situations where joint custody may not be in the best interest of...
Temporary divorce orders offer interim (or long-term) stability
When wading into the turbulent waters of divorce, don't be surprised if you find yourself in need of fast solutions to pressing divorce concerns. Fortunately, you may be eligible for a temporary solution in matters that cannot wait until the end of your divorce....
Is a father eligible for primary custody in Massachusetts?
Fathers and mothers can both play important roles in the upbringing of children. While there was once an expectation that mothers should provide most forms of parental support, both parents are now likely to be actively involved parents. For some adults in...