When you were going through your divorce, your financial situation wasn’t good. You needed at least a few hundred dollars more each month to make ends meet and to live at a standard that was even remotely close to what you were used to with your spouse.
At the time, you were awarded $500 in support monthly, which you were pleased with. Today, you’ve met someone new, and you’re getting ready to move forward in life with them. Your finances are more secure. Do you have to seek a support modification to end your alimony, or is that up to your ex-spouse? Can your spousal support continue even if you’re remarried or living with a new romantic partner?
Getting involved with someone new may lead to a loss of alimony
You should remember that spousal support may end when you move in with a new partner, get married or have a significant change in your financial situation Spousal support also ends on the date that the court specified in your divorce. Unless your divorce decree specifically states that alimony will end when you move in with someone else or remarry, however, your ex-spouse will generally have to seek a modification order in court to stop paying.
If you decide to move in with a new partner or intend to get married, you should be prepared for your ex-spouse to petition the court to stop alimony completely. While it’s generally not a “given,” it is likely that your alimony will end.
It’s always wisest to make sure that you fully understand all the terms in your divorce — particularly where alimony and other financial issues are concerned. That’s the best way to protect your interests and can help you better plan your future.