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Can the financial cost of your divorce be reduced? 

Divorce can cost tens of thousands of dollars. In high-asset cases, it can cost much more than this. 

Divorce is stressful enough without getting into financial trouble. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to keep the costs down. Here are a few things to consider. 

Being organized 

Preparing for your divorce can make it much more efficient. One thing you can do is to have all of the relevant paperwork in order. This includes your bank statements, tax returns and property deeds. One of the most complex areas of divorce is property division, and having your paperwork in order will help speed this process up and keep the costs down. 

Set your priorities 

Nobody can leave with everything they want in a divorce. This is a common misconception. Instead, spouses should set priorities. Are there any non-negotiable aspects of your divorce? For example, you may want to continue running the family business. Are there areas that you are willing to compromise on? For instance, do you really need to fight over the record collection? Having a firm understanding of your priorities can help to reduce the overall cost of your divorce. 

Reduce spending 

Going through a divorce can be stressful and you should certainly take care of yourself. However, it’s important to avoid overspending during this period. One helpful strategy is to set a budget. This can also help you transition into life post-divorce. 

With careful planning, you can reduce the cost of your divorce. To protect your rights, it’s important to seek as much legal information as possible.