One of the reasons Springfield, Massachusetts, residents might seek out a guardianship of a child who is a relative or a close friend is because they suspect abuse in the home of the child’s parents. As much as these people might love the child’s parents, they feel that they simply must step in to help the child whom they love.
For a lot of reasons, and as this blog has alluded to before, a Massachusetts court is not going to grant a guardianship over a minor child when the child’s parent is still alive, willing and able to take care of the child. The upshot of this is that a court is not going to take a parent’s child away over disagreements about parenting styles or even if the child’s parent has real issues and problems.
Where a court might draw the line and grant a guardianship is when it has convincing reasons to believe that a child has been legally abused or neglected. Therefore, it may be helpful for concerned Massachusetts residents to have some basic understanding about the common warning signs of abuse or neglect. These signs vary depending on what type of neglect or abuse is suspected.
It is important to remember, however, that the existence of one warning sign is not necessarily proof of child abuse, any more than the absence of any signs is proof that no child abuse is occurring. The best option for a person concerned about a child in their life is often to discuss the specific facts and circumstances of the child’s situation with an experienced family law attorney who knows how to navigate Massachusetts’ laws covering guardianships.