The decision to divorce is very personal and can only be made by the parties to the ending relationship. However, sometimes social, political, and economic factors can influence Massachusetts residents and other Americans to modify their marriage-ending plans. At present, the hotly contested health care debate in Washington D.C. has caused some people to put their divorce plans on hold as the difficult matter is sorted out by politicians.
Currently, members of the congressional leadership are seeking to eliminate and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Some iterations of the new health care bill suggest that some Americans may be made ineligible for health care insurance if they suffer from pre-existing medical conditions. While employer-offered health insurance plans generally do not prevent individuals with pre-existing conditions from having health insurance, those who seek to divorce their health insurance-carrying spouses may see their coverage ended and no possible chance of getting health care insurance again on their own.
Health insurance can be very expensive and may not factor into the budgets of all newly divorced individuals. Aside from health care costs, some who plan to divorce may also have concerns about supporting themselves on their individual incomes rather than on the dual incomes they enjoyed during their marriages. Financial fears can dissuade some who wish to end their marriages from doing so until they are able to find more stable economic plans on which to pursue their divorces.
A divorce can be a liberating and positive step in the life of a Springfield resident. However, external forces such as politics and money can sometimes cause individuals to change their plans until more certainty can be established. Attorneys who practice family law are well-suited to support their divorce clients as they consider how best to serve their legal needs.
Source:, “People Are Stalling Their Divorces So They Don’t Lose Health Care,” Elizabeth O’Brien, July 24, 2017